
kenneth cope - FaceToFace-cover

(by T. L. Conklin)

Consider what one star does to a night
One song to watchers on a lonely hill
One candle burning on a window sill
To a dark street
Think with what lovely light
One mother’s smile transforms to glory bright
Even a stable
Or when all is still
[How] one infant cry the careless heart can thrill
One whispered hope prove more than armed might

Then ponder how one Man of humble birth
Short-lived, but Godward bent through all His course
[How He] has changed a world
Imagine what might be
Since we are now so many souls
If we…conspired to let His love loose on the earth

4 Responses to Consider…

  1. Jonathan Roberts

    Thank you Kenneth for your reminders and invitations to live and rejoice in the One Love of our Savior Jesus Christ. Merry Christmas, brother! I will “go an do likewise.”

    • Great to hear from you, Jonathan! I know you, brother…and I know that you are already doing much for the cause of our Father and Savior. Thanks for your friendship, and for reflecting His glorious Light to all within your circle of influence! It has been a beautiful blessing to me. :)

  2. Joseph Marrow

    Thank you!

    You are always helping me to remember to Rejoice, The Lord is King. And to choose the right. Especially in this time of struggle for me.
    Thank you

    • It is trusting and rejoicing in the promises of the Lord that can best inspire us through our struggles, Joseph. You know that, and I know that. But it is necessary for ALL of us to be reminded of it. We, as humans, just plain forget. Keep going! :)

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