A Prayer Unto Thee (1999)

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Beautiful Savior



#62, Children’s Songbook

Beautiful Savior

Lord of the nations

Son of God and Son of Man

Thee will I honor

Praise, and give glory

Give praise and glory evermore

            —text:  Anon., twelfth century; music:  Silesian folk song


#68, Hymns

A mighty fortress—Jesus, Lord

A tower of strength never failing

A helper mighty—Savior, God

O’er ills of life prevailing

Thou overcometh all

Thou saveth from the Fall

Thy might and power art great

Thou all things didst create

And thou shalt reign forevermore

            —text:  Martin Luther, adapted; music:  attr. to Martin Luther


#62, Hymns




Lord, I praise thee





Hear my praising




            —text:  St. Francis of Assisi, trans. by William H. Draper, adapted;

            music:  German melody


Beautiful Savior


1. Beautiful Savior
Kenneth Cope  

In Humility, Our Savior



#172, Hymns

In humility, our Savior

Grant thy Spirit here, we pray

As take the bread and water

In thy name this latter day

Let me not forget, O Savior

Thou didst bleed and die for me

When thy heart was stilled and broken

On the cross at Calvary


Fill our hearts with sweet forgiving

Teach us tolerance and love

Let our prayers find access to thee

In thy holy courts above

Then, when we have proven worthy

Of thy sacrifice divine

Lord, let us regain thy presence

Let thy glory round us shine


Let us not forget, O Savior

Thy sacrifice divine

Lord, let us regain thy presence

Let thy glory round us shine

            —text:  Mabel Jones Gabbott, © 1948 LDS, adapted;

            music:  Rowland H. Prichard


2. In Humility, Our Savior
Kenneth Cope  

Sacrament Offering



#175, Hymns

To walk upon thy footstool

And be like man, almost…

And die, or all was lost

            —text:  William W. Phelps, adapted; music:  Felix Mendelssohn


#194, Hymns

There is a green hill far away

Without a city wall

Where thou dear Lord was crucified

And died to save us all


We may not know, we cannot tell

What pains were thine to bear

But we believe it was for us

Thou hung and suffered there

            —text:  Cecil Frances Alexander, adapted; music:  John H. Gower


#187, Hymns

Thou came as man, though Son of God

And bowed thyself beneath the rod

Thou died in holy innocence

A broken law to recompense

            —text:  Edward P. Kimball, adapted; music:  Alexander Schreiner, © 1948 LDS


#194, Hymns

There was no other good enough

To pay the price of sin

Thou only could unlock the gate of heav’n

And let us in


Oh, dearly, dearly has thou loved

And we must love thee too

And trust in thy redeeming blood

And try thy works to do

            —text:  Cecil Frances Alexander, adapted; music:  John H. Gower


#184, Hymns

“Upon the Cross of Calvary” instrumental

            —music:  Leroy J. Robertson, © 1948 LDS


3. Sacrament Offering
Kenneth Cope  

Because I Have Been Given Much



#93, Hymns

“Prayer of Thanksgiving” instrumental

            —music:  Anon., The Netherlands


#219, Hymns

Because I have been given much

I too must give

Because of thy great bounty, Lord

Each day  I live

I shall divide my gifts from thee

With every brother that I see

Who has the need of help from me


Because I have been sheltered, fed

By the good care

I cannot see another’s lack

And I not share

My glowing fire, my loaf of bread

My roof’s safe shelter overhead

That he too may be comforted


Because of thy life’s mission, Lord

I too will serve

I’ll leave the comfort of my home

To teach thy word

I’ll seek thy sheep who’ve gone astray

And those who’ve never known the way

I will make thy work my work today


I shall give love to those in need

I’ll show that love by word and deed

Thus shall my thanks be thanks indeed

            —text:  Grace Noll Crowell, © renewed 1964 by Grace Noll Crowell;

            additional verse by Kenneth Cope, © 1999 Mohrgüd Music (BMI);

            music:  Phillip Landgrave, © 1975 Broadman Press


4. Because I Have Been Given Much
Kenneth Cope  

I Need Thee Every Hour



#97, Hymns

Lead thou me on

The night is dark

And I am far from home

Lead thou me on

Guide thou my feet

Keep me from former snares

I bow my will

Remember not past years

            —text:  John Henry Newman, additional words by Kenneth Cope;

            music:  John B. Dykes


#98, Hymns

I need thee every hour

Most gracious Lord

No tender voice like thine

Can peace afford


I need thee every hour

Stay thou nearby

Temptations lose their power

When thou art nigh

I need thee, oh, I need thee

Every hour I need thee

Oh, bless me now, my Savior

I come to thee


I need thee every hour

In joy or pain

Come quickly and abide

Or life is vain


I need thee every hour

Most holy One

Oh, make me thine indeed

Thou blessed Son

I need thee, oh, I need thee

Every hour I need thee

Oh, bless me now, my Savior

I come to thee

I come to thee

            —text:  Annie S. Hawkes;  music:  Robert Lowry


Remember not past years


5. I Need Thee Every Hour
Kenneth Cope  

Redeemer of Israel



#70, Hymns

As with a mother’s tender hand

Thou leads thine own

Thy chosen band

To thee all praise and glory

            —text:  Johann J. Schütz, trans. by Frances Elizabeth Cox, adapted;

            music:  From Bohemian Brethren’s Songbook, adapted


#6, Hymns

Redeemer of Israel

Our only delight

On whom for a blessing we call

Our shadow by day

And our pillar by night

Our King, our Deliv’rer, our all


How long we have wandered

As strangers in sin

And cried in the desert for thee

Our foes have rejoiced

When our sorrows they’ve seen

But Israel will shortly be free


Restore, my dear Savior

The light of thy face

Thy soul-cheering comfort impart

And let the sweet longing

For thy holy place

Bring hope to my desolate heart


My shadow by day

And my pillar by night

My King, my Deliv’rer, my all


Redeemer of Israel

Redeemer of Israel

Redeemer of Israel

            —text:  William W. Phelps, adapted;  music:  Freeman Lewis


6. Redeemer of Israel
Kenneth Cope  

Peace, Be Still



#105, Hymns

Master, the tempest is raging

The billows are tossing high

The sky is o’ershadowed with blackness

No shelter or help is nigh

Carest thou not that we perish?

How canst thou lie asleep

When each moment so madly is threat’ning

A grave in the angry deep?

The winds and the waves shall obey thy will

Peace, be still

Peace, be still

Whether the wrath of the storm tossed sea

Or demons or men or whatever it be

No waters can swallow the ship where lies

The Master of ocean and earth and skies

They all shall sweetly obey thy will

Peace, be still

Peace, be still

They all shall sweetly obey thy will

Peace, peace, be still

            —text:  Mary Ann Baker;  music:  H.R. Palmer


#124, Hymns

Be still, my soul

The waves and winds still know

His voice who ruled them

While He dwelt below

            —text:  Katharina von Schlegel, translated by Jane Borthwick;

            music:  Jean Sibelius


#86, Hymns

Then sings my soul

My Savior God, to thee

How great thou art

How great thou art

Then sings my soul

My Savior God, to thee

How great thou art

How great thou art

            —text:  Stuart K. Hine, © renewed 1981 Manna Music, Inc.;

            music:  Swedish folk melody


Peace, peace, be still


7. Peace, Be Still
Kenneth Cope  

Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee



#141, Hymns

Jesus, the very thought of thee

With sweetness fills my breast

But sweeter far thy face to see

And in thy presence rest


No voice can sing, nor heart can frame

Nor can the mem’ry find

A sweeter sound than thy blest name

O Savior of mankind


O hope of every contrite heart

O joy of all the meek

To those who fall, how kind thou art

How good to those who seek


Jesus, our only joy be thou

As thou our prize wilt be

Jesus, be thou our glory now

And through eternity


Jesus, the very thought of thee

            —text:  attr. to Bernard of Clairvaux, trans. by Edward Caswall;

            music:  John B. Dykes


8. Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
Kenneth Cope  

More, Savior, Like Thee



#101, Hymns

Jesus, my Savior true

            —text:  Orson Pratt Huish


#100, Hymns

Nearer to thee

Even though it be a cross

That raiseth me

Still all my song shall be

Nearer, dear Lord, to thee

Nearer, my God, to thee

Nearer to thee

            —text:  Sarah F. Adams, adapted; music:  Lowell Mason


#131, Hymns

More, Savior

More, Savior, like thee


More holiness give me

More strivings within

More patience in suff’ring

More sorrow for sin

More faith in thee Savior

More sense of thy care

More joy in thy service

More purpose in prayer


More gratitude give me

More trust in thee Lord

More pride in thy glory

More hope in thy word

More tears for thy sorrows

More pain at thy grief

More meekness in trial

More praise for relief


More purity give me

More strength to o’ercome

More freedom from earth-stains

More longing for home

More fit for the kingdom

More used would I be

More blessed and holy

More, Savior

More, Savior, like thee

            —text & music:  Philip Paul Bliss, adapted


9. More, Savior, Like Thee
Kenneth Cope  




#82, Hymns

For all the Saints who from their labors rest

Who thee by faith before the world confessed

Thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest

Alleluia, alleluia

            —text:  William Walsham How, adapted; music:  Ralph Vaughan Williams


#81, Hymns

Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

            —text:  Marvin K. Gardner, © 1985 LDS;

            music:  Vanja Y. Watkins, © 1985 LDS


#82, Hymns

Thou art our rock, our fortress, and our might

Thou, Lord, our captain in the well-fought fight

Thou, in the darkness drear, our one true light

Alleluia, alleluia

Alleluia, alleluia

            —text:  William Walsham How, adapted; music:  Ralph Vaughan Williams


#81, Hymns

Alleluia, alleluia

Alleluia, alleluia

            —text:  Marvin K. Gardner, © 1985 LDS;

            music:  Vanja Y. Watkins, © 1985 LDS


#64, Hymns



Bright and clear our voices ring

Singing songs of exultation

To thee, our Maker, Lord, and King

            —text & music:  Leroy J. Robertson, © 1980 LDS, adapted


#62, Hymns

Alleluia, alleluia


Lord, we praise thee

Alleluia, alleluia


Ever praising



Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia

            —text:  St. Francis of Assisi, trans. by William H. Draper, adapted;

            music:  German melody


10. Alleluia
Kenneth Cope  


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