The Fall

kenneth cope - FaceToFace-cover

Jesus Makes Perfect (part 18)

(Continued from last week…) Practice makes progress; Jesus makes perfect. Last week, we reviewed how Jesus told Nicodemus that every man and woman must be born again (see John 3: 3-8). Now, this rebirth is not something that we have power to make happen ourselves. None of us can give

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The Nature of Certain Things (part 4)

Posted in Love, tellusCope, The Fall by Kenneth

(Continued from last week…) In review, recapping The Nature of Certain Things, part 1, part 2, and part 3, the nature of mortal man is that we are all fallen, all broken, all black sheep, who are prone to wander off and get lost. Our precious Lord, in order to

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The Nature of Certain Things (part 3)

Posted in tellusCope, The Fall by Kenneth

(Continued from last week…) THE NATURE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS The last two posts, part 1, and part 2, have demonstrated by scriptural and prophetic history, how all mankind, because of the fall, are considered unworthy before God. So if we are all unworthy before Him, if we are—each one of us—the

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The Nature of Certain Things (part 2)

Posted in tellusCope, The Fall by Kenneth

(Continued from last week…)  THE NATURE OF WORTHINESS Last week we talked about both the brother of Jared and Alma Sr., and how in their self-assessment, they truly felt unworthy before the Lord. And so, I say…let’s be honest! Who really is worthy? “To be worthy” in our current English

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The Nature of Certain Things (part 1)

Posted in tellusCope, The Fall by Kenneth

THE NATURE OF MORTAL MAN For many years, I have loved a painting by Minerva Teichert titled: “Rescue of the Lost Lamb.” Today, I would invite everyone who reads this to look at this image and make a serious effort to answer in your own heart what this painting is

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Lost and Found

A Christian writer, Philip Yancey shared the following story, one that he heard from his friend who works with the down-and-out in Chicago: “‘A prostitute came to me in wretched straits, homeless, sick, unable to buy food for her [young] daughter. Through sobs and tears, she told me she had

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Far as the Curse Was Found

I love Christmastime for so many reasons…one of which is that this season affords us so much lovely music. I’ve been thinking these past couple of weeks about Isaac Watts’ great Christmas hymn “Joy to the World.” Verse three, which was slightly altered by W. W. Phelps, and put in

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