Spiritual World

kenneth cope - FaceToFace-cover

We Saw Him (part 19)

(Continued from last week…) These will be the last two stories in this series of posts regarding those who witnessed the Savior that I will share. Next week I will follow up with some concluding thoughts. Young boy from Utah This boy was born with a genetic condition causing the

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We Saw Him (part 18)

(Continued from last week…) This week, as a follow-up to last week’s post, I am choosing to share another part of Jeff’s book, with his permission. And while it may be a little long for a blog post, it is one of the most touching, enlightening experiences I have ever

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We Saw Him (part 15)

(Continued from last week…) This week, as a follow-up to last week’s post, I choose to share a few more of Elane Durham’s words about her experience while she was in the presence of Christ. What she learned from the Savior feels very useful to me in how I view

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We Saw Him (part 14)

(Continued from last week…) ELANE DURHAM In the middle of an October night in Chicago, Elane Durham suffered her first seizure, which was caused by the rupture of an unknown tumor in her brain. Over the course of the next hour, Elane would have ten more seizures while being transported

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We Saw Him (part 13)

(Continued from last week…) MIKE from Utah When Mike was about nine years old, he went on a weekend hunting trip with a seventeen-year-old neighbor boy, and two adults. On Saturday morning they hiked up to a ridge in the mountains until they came to a cliff, then climbed around

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We Saw Him (part 12)

(Continued from last week…) MARSHALL from Utah Marshall had a massive heart attack, and then later described what happened to him as a spirit-guide took him on a journey: “…I found myself walking in a completely different sphere. It was beautiful beyond description and we were walking on a path….It

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We Saw Him (part 11)

(Continued from last week…) ANN from California “I was approximately twenty-eight when….one day I felt quite ill, but I was cleaning up the [construction] trailer [where we lived while my husband was working construction]…I knew I had to or I would be in trouble [with] my husband—he was having emotional

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We Saw Him (part 10)

(Continued from last week…) DEBBIE from Illinois “Before I joined the Air Force, I had braces on my teeth. In order to be allowed in boot-camp I had to remove the braces….however…after basic training the Air Force [said they] would continue my treatment. “After my first duty…[a] military dentist on

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We Saw Him (part 8)

(Continued from last week…) SEGUNDO MOLDANADO During the 1970’s Fred Bohman, who was a purchasing agent for the LDS Church in South America, was living with his young family in Quito, Ecuador. It was there that he met Segundo Moldanado in a marketplace. After discovering that they were both Latter-day

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Two Present Worlds

I have often found myself on a plane heading somewhere and have discovered for myself that these are marvelous times to read out of the best books. Not only does it make the time go by quickly but it also usually ends up being uninterrupted time—the best time for reading,

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