Heavenly Father

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Jesus Makes Perfect (part 15)

(Continued from last week…) Practice makes progress; Jesus makes perfect. Years ago, I felt like we, as a Church, didn’t talk much about grace and how it specifically pertains to our salvation and perfection. I kept wondering: “Who will say ‘grace’? Are we afraid of that word?” However, in the

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Jesus Makes Perfect (part 14)

(Continued from last week…) Practice makes progress; Jesus makes perfect. We talk about being humble, about acknowledging Christ’s hand in our success or development. But, do we think that this acknowledging our Savior is just a good idea? That it’s what humble people do? Perhaps it’s the thing to do

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Jesus Makes Perfect (part 12)

(Continued from last week…) Practice makes progress; Jesus makes perfect. So far in this series I’ve stated quite unequivocally that the Father and the Son are our source of life, strength, capacity, and advancement, and that we should all be God-reliant in our quest for perfection, for this is not

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Jesus Makes Perfect (part 9)

(Continued from last week…) Practice makes progress; Jesus makes perfect. I have been preaching that we are powerless to perfect ourselves, and that Christ has to do it for us. Well, we’ve come to the point in this series where I must clarify that men and women do have some

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Jesus Makes Perfect (part 8)

(Continued from last week…) Practice makes progress; Jesus makes perfect. Have you ever noticed how words carry different shades of meaning for different people, depending on their individual experience and upbringing? In fact, it’s like this with names. A husband and wife may struggle to come up with a baby

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Jesus Makes Perfect (part 4)

(Continued from last week…) Practice makes progress; Jesus makes perfect. Last week, we looked at the error in thinking that any of us, while in mortality, could earn, merit, or deserve an inheritance in God’s heavenly kingdom. This week I’d like to go a step further and show how we

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Jesus Makes Perfect (part 3)

(Continued from last week…) Practice makes progress; Jesus makes perfect. Over these next several weeks we will hopefully be digging up any bad foundation that may exist in us, and begin laying a new one built firmly in the gospel of our Savior, Jesus Christ. :) From our childhood, we

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We Saw Him (part 18)

(Continued from last week…) This week, as a follow-up to last week’s post, I am choosing to share another part of Jeff’s book, with his permission. And while it may be a little long for a blog post, it is one of the most touching, enlightening experiences I have ever

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We Saw Him (part 8)

(Continued from last week…) SEGUNDO MOLDANADO During the 1970’s Fred Bohman, who was a purchasing agent for the LDS Church in South America, was living with his young family in Quito, Ecuador. It was there that he met Segundo Moldanado in a marketplace. After discovering that they were both Latter-day

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We Saw Him (part 4)

(Continued from last week…) Here are more accounts of our Father and Savior manifesting Themselves to our fellow-human beings… JOSEPH SMITH & OLIVER COWDERY   In the Kirtland temple, one week after its dedication, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery experienced a visitation of the Savior: “We saw the Lord standing

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We Saw Him (part 3)

(Continued from last week…) The Lord, Jesus Christ continued to show Himself to the early Saints of this dispensation, and even God the Father participated, revealing Himself as well. MARY ELIZABETH ROLLINS One evening in the early summer of 1831, Mary Elizabeth Rollins, a 12-year-old girl, visited the Prophet’s home

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Be Ye Perfect

Speaking of the Lord’s command to us to “Be ye perfect,” C. S. Lewis gives us two wonderful analogies that help us see into the Lord’s determined heart. He says: “Some people seem to think this means ‘Unless you are perfect, I will not help you’….But I do not think

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Ripening Grapes

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK: “The sun, with all those planets revolving around it and dependent on it, can still ripen the smallest bunch of grapes as if it had nothing else in the universe to do.” (Galileo) I love the underlying message of this idea. In my estimation, this is

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